Digital Prayer Sheet

July 24, 2024

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Carl Bettis and his family following the loss of his grandmother this week.
  • Please pray for Abigail Hackett who is currently in the hospital with dehydration and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Please pray for our missionary to South Korea, Michael Yoo, as he continues to deal with unresolved health issues.
  • Please pray for our missionary to Kenya, Autumn Larson, as she only lacks 21% of her needed support.
  • Local Requests
    • Pray that we would have God’s power to do what He has called us to do and that we would not do it in our own ability.
    • Pray that God would give us boldness to share the gospel with those who need to hear it.
    • Pray that God would open our eyes and hearts to see and love those around us in word and deed who need to know Jesus.
  • National Requests

    • Pray for Christians and churches to be aware of God’s presence transforming their lives, and that they would be surrendered to what God wants to do in them.
    • Pray for the next generation to receive truth and live as an example to the believers in seeking after Christ.
  • Global Requests
    • Japan – Population: 122,631,432 – Christian: 0.5%
    • Japan faces many crises. Even its leaders called it “a superpower without a moral compass”. Many lack hope or confidence in the future. Young people struggle the most, in particular with problems such as a suicide epidemic (over 30,000/year), mistreatment by peers, and teenage prostitution. High suicide and divorce rates in other age groups confirm the crisis. The constant threats of earthquakes, economic decline, and social isolation leave many people open to spiritual matters. The government alone cannot solve Japan’s social problems. This gives the Church a chance to engage with society. Pray that the Church might become prominent in Japan through ministries of compassion, kindness, and love.
    • Spiritual powers and principalities in Japan hinder the gospel. The powers associated with idolatry in temples and ancestor worship in homes remain strong. Many Japanese claim no religion, but actually follow some rituals of Buddhism and Shintoism. Even the idea of a Creator God is foreign to the Japanese worldview. Many new religions get started in Japan each year, often based on Buddhism, but also on the occult, the worship of extra-terrestrial aliens, and other strange ideas. Ask God to remove the spirit of delusion!
    • Behara in Bangladesh – population: 385,000
    • 100% Muslim – 0% Christian
    • The Muslim Behara living in Bangladesh have an unknown story. There is almost no information about this mysterious people group. Most live in Bangladesh, though some are in India.
    • Though they are not part of the Hindu caste system, they have low status. Thus they are under bondage to the false belief that they have little worth in the eyes of God or man. The Bible is available in their language in audio and online formats, so they can encounter and respond to God’s Word.
    • Ask the Lord to write his story of the Behara people and that they would embrace it and make it their story as well. Pray for them to realize that they were created to worship him, and for them to joyfully do so. Pray for the Holy Spirit to sweep through this people group, drawing them into his Kingdom, family by family.

7/24 – Toni Summers
7/27 – Helen Patterson
7/28 – Travis Murphy
7/29 – Julie Lattie
7/30 – Deb Kelley
7/31- Ladonna Daugherty
7/31 – Hudson Ewing
7/31 – Folsom Myers


7/24 – John & Patti Felt
7/29 – Ben & Hannah Morrissey
7/30 – Nathan & Toni Summers

Weekly Giving Report
Weekly Giving Report


English General – $9,328.62
Missions – $3,407.20
Building – $33.00
Ethan Daugherty Memorial – $40.00
Spanish General – $5,076.73
Spanish Building – $1,229.00
Eastern Shore – $2,507.62
Eastern Shore Building – $112.10
Eastern Shore Missions – $450.00

Give Online

Recurring Prayer Requests


Ande Atwell
Michael Brunson Jr.
Alex Karimnia
Kevin Wyatt
Russell Daugherty
Carl Greer
Michael Molette
Carlos & Maria Joachin
Damian Williamson
John Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Dina Pritchett
Lucille Patterson
Dwayne Gregory
Alan Gaccione
Gordon Lawless Jr
Flora Hudson
Johnny Hartwick
R.P. Martin
Noble Person
Wellborn Family
Paul Hogar
Don White
Brandon Tatum
Joe Sanchez
Carl Williams
Ezell Children
Michelle Lewis
John Driskel
Paul Tobin
Matthew Childers
Chris Parker
Terry Lambert
Andrea Lambert
Dan Crenshaw
Gary Hearn
Scott Hearn
Brian Hearn


Tish Fluet
David Johnston
Art Sanchez
Chuck Renstrom
Freddy Wheeler
Rhonda Smitts
John Osbourne
Ken Durrett
Tonya Flynn
Mark Lammon
Bill Gossert
Alaric Augensen
Mark Guy
Allan Barbar
Sofia Rider
Ted Hendrix
Valronica Scales
Marilyn Woody
Terry Smith
Joan Williamson
Brad Peterson
Katie Eddins
Jacqueline Biggs
Brooke Newbill
Sheila Huff

Service Men and Women

Jerret Green
Jonathan Scott
Lou Blakely
Larry Spurlin
Jason Gammage
Chris Dean
James Cox
Paran Buckley
Greg Green
Allan Lammon
Carlos Turrubiates
Justin Chunn
Ray Stalheim
Stephen Carter
Steven Jacks
Matt Helton
John Perron
Bobbie Siebert
Jason Garza
James Ryan
Lee Fulghum
Daniel Evans
Michael Quinn
Ben Dunlap
Chris White
Dark McNeely
Michael Brown
Robert Brazell
Bill Maupin
Rick Blayney
Randy Brazel
Alyssa Gammage
Nathan Summers
Toni Summers

Full-Time College Students

Christian Berrien
Luke Dupuy
Jeremiah Green
Sofia Green
Jonathan Hackett
Yane Lee
Yumi Jung
AJ Knight
Ashton Knight
Acadia Morgan
Leah O’Rourke
Gavin Ramsey
Chris Register
Hunter Register
Jillian Sanchez
Daniel Tewell
Anna Wruck
Jonathan Britt

American Missionaries

Andrews Family
BEAMS Ministry
Bethel Baptist Church
Bounds Family
Byrd Family
Christian Law Association
Christian Media International
Gardner Family
Happiness Hill Girl’s Home
Harvey Family
Heartland Baptist Bible College
Independent Baptist Friends of Alabama
Kelso Family
Ketchum Family
Kilpatrick Family
King Family
Kraich Family
Lankford Family
Maret Family
Mission of Hope
Oprzedek Family
Payte Family
Round-Up Ministries
The Andrew Russ Family
Siemer Family
Solid Rock Boys Home
Storm Family
Teaching All Nations
Terry Family
Turriza Family
Villafranca Family
West Coast Baptist College
White Family

World Missionaries

Becker Family
Owens Family

Bruner Family
Tingson Family

Harris Family

Lopez Family
Courtney Mathos

Bruner Family
Lawson Family
Sherrouse Family
Whitmore Family

Has Family

Caribbean Islands
Coupe Family

Till Family
Mahaffey Family
Principe Family

Sanabria Family

Dominican Republic
Tirado Family

Loyola Family
Barona Family
Guaman Family
Guerrero Family
Matos Family
Olvera Family
Montalvo Family
Ibarra Family

Snode Family

Leonard Family

Shrivnauth Family

Passaro Family
McCollum Family

Barnes Family

Haag Family

Lerisse Family

Goins Family
Gutierrez Family

Shaver Family

Gazaway Family
Light in the 10/40 Window
Jackson Family

Keister Family

Gustavo Family
Hamilton Family

Morgan Family

Mickey Family
Autumn Larson

Ashcraft Family
Flores Family
Garcia Family
Gonzalez Family
Kim Family
Mt. Hebron
Ochoa Family
Ortiz Family
Ratcliff Family
Ricardez Family
Pérez Family
Villarreal Family

Rothwell Family

Ritchie Family

Wilkerson Family

Kim Family

New Zealand
Freyer Family

Holmes Family
McGuffee Family

Mendez Family

Papua New Guinea
Florence Family

McLean Family
Prater Family

Sheridan Family

McCormack Family
Lott Family
Williams Family
Foust Family

Godsoe Family
Laurena Family
Morrissey Family

Puerto Rico
Martinez Family

Parak Family

South Africa
Womack Family

South Korea
Hoffman Family
Yoo Family

Velasquez Family
Puente Family
Martinez Family

Wyatt Family
Imani Feeding Center

Shook Family
Tillman Family
Beil Family

Homawoo Family

Schoof Family

Collins Family

Restricted Access Nations
7 Missionary Families

Featured Missionary

The Florence Family
Papua New Guinea

  1. During the last week of June and first week of July, we took a break with both our Academy and Bible Institute. During this time, we planned 4 ambitious outreaches. The first started with 2 of the 3rd year student preachers and another preacher going to their home village. 
  2. About 10 students have come from this village, and we are hoping this outreach will eventually result in a future church plant here. 
  3. Logistics is the main problem, with it being an hour drive, followed with a 4-hour ride in a dinghy. It is impossible to reach this village if the river is too high or too low! Praise the Lord, this trip went well, with one soul saved. 
  4. The next outreach required a 22-hour ride in a dinghy to reach that area; several of the long-staff members came from this area. The 10-day preaching and soul winning is in progress as this letter is being written, with 7 souls saved. Their local church has given the funds for this trip! 
  5. Next, a 4-day youth rally in our hometown is in progress, with several visitors attending. We do not know of any salvation decisions as yet, but we know the Lord has been working through the preaching and many other decisions have been made. 
  6. The last outreach is to a small town about a 3-hour drive us a gravel road. Two of the Bible Institute students started a church there in 2020, which I have been overseeing. We plan to take at least 10 young men from the Bible Institute to clean up around the church area as well as daily preaching and soul-winning. Please pray with us for a pastor for this church.

Do you have a prayer request?

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